The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed just how essential home care and home care providers are. It has also exposed what some have known for years – that our current care system is failing both the people who need home care and the workers who do this invaluable job.
We now have a once in a generation opportunity to make a change—to create a caring infrastructure that supports the elders and people with disabilities who need care services and properly compensates the workers who provide them.
CARE, the first documentary film about home care can help build the movement for change by bringing viewers inside the intimate stories of clients and care workers.
Vilma, an undocumented worker, cares for ninety-two-year-old Dee, a retired businesswoman with dementia, whose only family lives 3,000 miles away.
Laurie works with Larry, a veteran whose disability has left him in a wheelchair waiting for a lung transplant. Laurie loves the work but can’t pay the rent with her low wages.
Edith helps Toni care for her husband Peter, a former CBS executive suffering with Parkinson’s disease. The 24/7 care is keeping Peter out of an institution, but Toni and Peter are going bankrupt paying for it.
Delores makes life livable for her mostly Medicaid clients. but struggles to provide for her own family.
CARE is available in a feature-length version (54 min.) and an abridged, organizer version (35 min.)
The film has proven to be an effective catalyst for robust dialogue in the college classroom—and for engagement and action in community settings.